'Beyond the Fence, The Amazing World of Deer Haven Park'
by Dee Calvasina
Ideapress - 2022
Book Reviews

"...Calvasina’s deeply moving description of the many fascinating aspects of nature in all its glory, reminded me of my awesome experience of reading Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden,”..."
- Joel Freedman, for The Finger Lakes Times. [READ THE FULL REVIEW]
"...a wealth of information and a wonderful read."
- MaLenna Smith, for protectthewhitedeer.com [READ THE FULL REVIEW]
Reader Comments

- "They say a picture paints a thousand words, but your words paint a picture."
- "You are such a good writer. You take a simple new day with fresh snow on the ground and a clear sky, and you make it to be the greatest picture in the world."
- "You are truly gifted. But the public is even more gifted with you."
- "Your expressive words are so beautiful. If only we could live in all moments as you describe them, this would be a kinder, gentler world."